Resources for New Nurse Observers

Please text Bettie at (916)337-9148 if you are interested in any of these offerings.

Are you struggling to write your report?

Here are 10 redacted reports


  1.  Identify the guidelines for attending DME/CR-35/ Rule 35 examinations.
  2. Recognize the importance of having a nurse observer present during the defense medical exam.
  3. Describe how the preparation of the client is helping them manage their stress levels.
  4. Describe the role of the nurse before, during, and after the defense medical examination.
  5. Compare and contrast the difference between a neurological and a neuropsychological exam.
  6. Identify how the examiner’s behavior can negatively impact the Defense Medical Exam.
  7. Identify which equipment a nurse observer should bring to the DME.
  8. Describe the difference between a demand and a response letter.
  9. Describe the 5 steps a nurse observer should do during a defense medical exam.
  10. The nurse observer will be able to refine, technology, report writing, and observation skills.
  11. Describe your system for securing and storing your reports.
  12. Demonstrate technical proficiency.

Total cost is $70 for a PDF version plus 6 CE  hours

Defense medical exam observers in California.

A defense medical observer is a medical professional that accompanies de Bruyn legal nurse consulting attorney-client to their medical examinations. These exams are usually orthopedic/spine/neuro exams. This is a hands-off position. Your duties include objecting to unnecessary questions (you will receive training), observing, and reporting all the interventions done during this exam.

de Bruyn legal nurse consulting will provide initial training and ongoing support.

We are Hiring

Ideal candidates are:

This is contract work/ 1099

As a Defense Medical Examination Observer (DME Observer), we will deliver a Detailed Report and Audio Recording.

Our role as Legal Nurse Consultants is to Evaluate and Analyze.

Schedule an IME/ DME Observer today

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