Are you frustrated that your clients feel they’ve been bullied into answering questions by the independent examiner?

Are you frustrated that your clients feel they’ve been bullied

into answering questions by the independent examiner?

My experience working with physicians hired by the defense for independent medical exams has been less than satisfactory. I believe clients and attorneys deserve a better outcome. I felt my independent medical exam after my accident became an uncensored deposition.

My name is Bettie De Bruyn, and I’m an IME / DME nurse observer and a legal nurse consultant with 30 years of experience. I made it my goal to protect your client by providing nurse observer services to personal injury victims.

My role in working with your clients is to educate and empower them to reduce their stress and increase their confidence. I have developed my signature teaching method that does just that.

When I am involved in your client’s independent medical exam, your client will feel supported and confident. You can rest assured that the exam will not turn into a deposition.

If you are looking for a Nurse Observer in Northern California, please explore our website and contact me.


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